UE is a speculative design research studio whose mission is to create future food prospects by Julia Schwarz and Lisi Penker.
The food system is a shaky house of cards. In a few years, shortages may occur. In the last 2 years, such scenario has already been felt (Corona pandemic, Brexit, etc) The example of Bangalore, India, shows the effects clearly: in 10 years, due to enormous urbanization and economic growth, the temperature has risen from 24°C to 34°C.
UE makes it its mission to change the food system for the better with design tools. In the course of this platform, new ideas and design development are generated.
Collaborations are essential to implement these.
Collaborations are essential to implement these.
With UE limited Design Research Editions, a series of food futures are created
- food and non-food - based on lichen and its philosophy:
unseen, symbioses, new tastes, ingredients, environmental sensitivity.
Using interactive release formats, the UE.DRE are made tangible.
UE.DRE are also capable of becoming long-term and contemporary companions.
What we are up right now:
working on lichen based food futures: product development
Core Team: Lisi Penker, Mia Dragicevic, Julia Schwarz
The speculative docu-fiction Unseen Edible by Julia Schwarz
lays the foundation for UNSEEN EDIBLES.
Podcast by Visionistas with Julia Schwarz
We were invited by the Vienna Business Agency to talk about
"if lichen based food could revolutionize the food system"
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